45 Minute Region
End client
Queensland Treasury (Cities Transformation Taskforce)
VLC was engaged by Queensland Treasury, on behalf of the parties to a City Deal for SEQ, to develop a definition for a 45 minute region.
Client requirements
A City Deal for South East Queensland (SEQ) combines aspirational objectives with coordinated policies across three levels of government. The purpose of our paper was to define a “45-minute region”, which is identified as a key concept in the tripartite Statement of Intent signed by all three levels of government. The definition is intended to inform the land use and transport priorities of federal, state, and local governments.
Delivered outcome
Through an intensive stakeholder engagement process with parties to the SEQ City Deal and state agencies, we delivered a comprehensive, evidence-based report which proposed a definition of a 45-minute region in three layers. These layers were required in response to the complexity of the regional landscape, stakeholders and the customer sectors. The layers provided definitions to support local connectivity, sub-regional connectivity and regional connectivity.
Ultimately, we found that moving towards a 45-minute region presents the opportunity to deliver a step-change in accessibility that supports the prosperity and liveability of SEQ as a connected region.