What happens if public transport is free in SEQ?
Measuring and incorporating
more bus priority benefits
in strategic modelling
How do you balance road safety, walkability and congestion?
Can we balance walkability,
road safety & congestion?
Case study: Cross River Rail and the benefits of LUTI
Cross River Rail
and the benefits of LUTI
Make smarter geospatial
decisions with Planwisely
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Our people have a passion for shaping mobility and transport to:

  • connect communities
  • power economic growth
  • build smarter cities
  • create a sustainable future

Our projects

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Our Solutions

Planwisely urban analytics platform

Planwisely is a fast and easy to use cloud-based mapping platform which enables urban planners, transport planners, community services planners and key decision-makers to gain insights into the urban form.

Visit Planwisely
Zenith multi-modal transport modelling

Zenith is a comprehensive and constantly expanding travel demand model. Its distinguishing feature is its ability to accurately simulate public transport systems and services, as well as the characteristics and performance of the road system.

Visit Zenith
Spatial integrated land use modelling

VLC has developed an integrated land use model – Spatial – which is a technically robust yet simple model that is designed to integrate seamlessly with strategic transport models.

Visit Land Use