ACT Light Rail Stage 2 Mawson Extension
End client
Major Projects Canberra - ACT Government
VLC was engaged by Major Projects Canberra (MPC) to perform transport modelling and to provide the supporting transport planning advice assessing the extension of Light Rail Stage 2 from Woden to Mawson.
Client requirements
MPC’s primary goal was to gain a better understanding of the potential travel demand for the extension of light rail from Woden to Mawson. VLC was engaged to provide transport planning advice on the likely patronage and catchment of the light rail.
Delivered outcome
VLC analysed observed data to aid MPC’s understanding of existing travel patterns in southern Canberra. To do this VLC analysed both public transport travel (using MyWay ticketing data) and all modes travel (using VLC’s Location Based Services) dataset. The Location Based Services (LBS) data largely corroborated the evidence from ticketing data, indicating that the city was a key destination for trips starting close to the proposed stops. The LBS also revealed that the catchments of the prospective station locations stretched to the Tuggeranong Valley in the south.
VLC provided advice on how the bus network might be integrated with light rail, assessing how each of the light rail stations might be connected to adjacent bus routes. Through this process VLC outlined the relative strengths and weaknesses of different options in terms of connectivity and costs, as well as the additional infrastructure that would be required to support them. VLC applied our broader transport planning expertise to provide advice on how the extension might impact on Park and Ride usage in southern Canberra, identifying the opportunity to consolidate existing park and ride locations into new locations at Mawson Town Centre and/or Beasley Street.
VLC also used the Zenith model of Canberra to test two extension options for Light Rail Stage 2: one to Mawson Town Centre and one a stop further to the proposed Beasley Street Park and Ride. These forecasts further assisted in providing MPC with an understanding of the potential patronage and catchment of each option. A key focus of the exercise was analysing mode of access to light rail stations, with the modelling indicating that the extension had the potential to decrease pressure on Woden.
The analysis was summarised into a concise report which provided MPC with an understanding of not only forecast demand but also considerations for integrating the light rail into the territory’s transport system.