Canberra Light Rail (Stages 1 & 2)
End client
Transport Canberra and City Services and Major Projects Canberra
Following a study into public transport options for alleviating increasing levels of congestion along the Flemington Road – Northbourne Avenue corridor, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government announced a potential Light Rail service, which would provide an additional mode to Canberra’s public transport system. To date business cases have been developed for Stages 1 and 2, with Stage 1 which opened to passengers in April 2019.
Client requirements
VLC assisted the project teams of both stages by providing passenger demand forecasts that supported the economic modelling for the business case and the design of the light rail and bus network systems.
Delivered outcome
VLC modelled many future scenarios and produced demand forecasts which informed the business case for the new light rail system. VLC produced reports of the input assumptions and the results of the model and policy suggestions.
VLC also investigated the underlying behavioural assumptions of light rail mode choice. The approach required an iterative process of testing different light rail alignment and integrated bus network options. During Stage 2, VLC worked closely with the other technical advisors to ensure that the transport modelling was seamlessly integrated with the design of the bus network and supports the economic analysis.