Electric Vehicle Strategy Policy Modelling
VLC supported the NSW Government through NSW Treasury and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in their development of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy using EV uptake and budget modelling.
Client Requirements
VLC’s engagement with the project involved the rapid evaluation of a range of policy options in collaboration with NSW Treasury and DPIE to iteratively identify the preferred policy package. The package varied in the parameters for a range of policy levers, including:
- Financial incentives
- Road-user charging
- Support for fleets, both government and private
- Charging infrastructure development
VLC then assessed the impact of the preferred EV Strategy package with a comprehensive modelling framework to forecast the evolution of the light vehicle market.
Delivered Outcomes
VLC assisted in the definition of the EV Strategy package by providing uptake and budget impact modelling for a range of policy scenarios using VLC’s existing spatial uptake model. The modelling carried out as part of this iterative process was documented in a series of memos and policy briefs.
VLC built a model to assess the impact of the preferred EV Strategy package with a comprehensive modelling framework to forecast the evolution of the light vehicle market. The model forecasts the sales and stock of light vehicles in NSW, disaggregated by fuel and vehicle type. Forecasts respond to various policy interventions and behavioural changes related to the private vehicle market, such as changes in vehicle prices or running costs, battery EV (BEV) model availability or fleet support.