G21 Integrated Transport Strategy
G21 Geelong Region Alliance commissioned Urbis, Movement and Place Consulting and VLC to deliver the G21 Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS).
VLC was engaged to provide strategic transport modelling to inform what the region might look like in the future. VLC modelled two 2041 scenarios: a Business as usual (BAU) Scenario and an “Approved Scenario” which included a range of projects and policies. VLC produced plots and key metrics highlighting the differences in transport outcomes between the two scenarios compared to present day conditions.
Client requirements
Strategic transport modelling to support the G21 ITS, which would guide planning and investment in transport infrastructure and services in the G21 region. The purpose of this project was to use a strategic model to assess existing demand and potential future scenarios.

VLC undertook transport modelling and analysis to examine current and future transport issues in and around the G21 region. The 2041 BAU scenario results were presented at a workshop with Urbis and key stakeholders, showing a significant increase in congestion from current conditions. VLC then implemented an alternative 2041 scenario, showing the potential impacts of a range of network upgrades and policy changes. This was presented at another workshop, with the outcomes and subsequent discussion informing the final ITS. VLC also provided Planwisely to G21 Councils to help visualise the modelling outputs and show them to their stakeholders.