Greater Broadmeadows transport modelling and movement assessment
End client
Victorian Planning Authority and City of Hume
Client requirements
VLC assisted the Victorian Planning Authority and Hume Council in understanding the impact of the redevelopment Northmeadows/Eastmeadows and Campbellfield precincts on the adjacent road and transit network, and develop plans to address any expected shortcomings.
The main objective of the project was to ensure that the redevelopment could proceed without being constrained by transport deficiencies, thus enhancing the urban renewal potential of the precinct.
The outcomes from the transport modelling and movement assessment assisted in identifying the most appropriate interventions to manage the transport needs as the area develops.
Delivered outcome
VLC undertook strategic transport modelling to assess the transport implications likely to result from the urban renewal. Four future development scenarios were tested for the Northmeadows/Eastmeadows and Campbellfield precincts on the Broadmeadows Framework area.
Following the modelling and analyses, VLC developed a preferred transport network and prepared road cross-sections and functional layouts for intersections. For this task, SIDRA runs were undertaken.
During the duration of the project, VLC engaged regularly with officials from various departments in the Council to explain the modelling results and relate these to the daily traffic conditions that they experience on the road and transit network.