Melbourne level crossings removal
End client
Level Crossings Removal Authority
Client requirements
As part of the development of the business case, VLC was invited to provide modelling support for the removal of fifty level crossings within the Melbourne Metropolitan area. The key objectives of this work were to determine:
- How the Zenith mesoscopic and microscopic modelling tool could complement the other modelling tasks that are carried out for the Level Crossing Removal Authority;
- Whether the results obtained could be compared with other modelling outputs to increase confidence in those outputs; and
- How the models estimate current and future road network delays and reliability attributable to level crossings, with specific emphasis on the benefits that may flow from removing them, issues related to travel time variability, and how to quantify the benefits associated with travel time reliability.
Delivered outcome
The key outcomes of this work included the provision of detailed analyses regarding the current and forecasted operation of the level crossings and their impacts on traffic flows, the effectiveness of level crossing removal solutions, and the provision of travel time variability indicators as input for the business case development.