Molonglo Bus Network Plan
End client
Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate
VLC was engaged by Transport Canberra to identify the desired future state of the public transport network for Molonglo, to be used as a guide for the Territory and developers as the area continues to grow.
Client requirements
Transport Canberra required VLC to provide future public transport network options, where Transport Canberra can ensure that the requirements of the public transport network are considered and outcomes in the area will support the mobility needs of residents (both current and future) as well as the operational needs of the network. The options will define what the future bus network is expected to look like and outline a process for getting from the current network to the desired end state.
A review was conducted of the existing public transport network, planned infrastructure developments, land use plans of Molonglo and desired outcome of the network within the area. This was used to determine future network expansion and incremental network requirements. VLC also estimated future bus fleet and layover requirements based on proposed expansions. Further, VLC reviewed the proposed configuration of the future Molonglo Group Centre interchange to facilitate access to the commercial heart of the centre from all routes serving it, including bus layover operations.
The final report provided incremental public transport options to serve future developments of Molonglo and provided estimated fleet and layover requirements. This included four network staging maps supplemented by interchange configuration maps. It also outlined proposed headways and pulsing requirements, interchange and stop requirements, and fleet and layover requirements.
Innovation achieved
VLC utilised People Movement Data to identify existing travel patterns, which supported providing connections to more dispersed destinations in Woden, Weston Creek and Belconnen rather than focussing on movements to/from the CBD.