Rail improvements and land-use changes
End client
Confidential client
VLC was engaged to assess the development impact of rail improvements through two case studies, and to summarise the findings in an economic policy paper on rail success factors.
Client requirements
VLC compared the current situation with that in the early 2000s. The likely land-use changes related to future improvements of the rail line were also assessed. Based on these analyses, VLC also prepared policy recommendations on success factors for rail and development in an Australian context.
Delivered outcome
For each case study, VLC investigated the changes to demography, employment and commuting patterns in these areas brought about by the enhancements in rail services, using Census data. VLC also analysed the improvements in public transport accessibility, using VLC’s Zenith model.
VLC also developed and implemented Spatial, VLC’s land-use model, integrated with VLC’s Zenith model in EMME. Using this model, VLC carried out an analysis of the population, employment and land-use changes for the two case studies.
Finally, VLC also tested three future rail scenarios, forecasting transport outcomes as well as land-use impacts from the addition of a rail line in 2036.
VLC prepared detailed visual reports, with high-quality maps and charts that summarised the findings for each region and modelled scenario. VLC also drafted policy recommendations on success factors for rail and development in an Australian context.