Review land use and transport models
End client
Christchurch City Council
Christchurch City Council (CCC) commissioned Veitch Lister Consulting (VLC) to advise the Greater Christchurch Partnership Model Management Group (GCP-MMG) on land use modelling and its interaction with transport modelling. VLC assessed potential approaches and tools, and considered their relative benefits, risks, and indicative costs.
Client requirements
The Christchurch transport models (CTM and CAST) were being updated in 2020 with new census information and extended functionality. The GCP Model Management Group sought advice to understand how the planned model updates could incorporate land use, which was relevant to the development of regional policies.
Delivered outcome
VLC reviewed transport models in Canterbury to provide an overview of potential approaches and tools that could be used to inform future model updates. The review assessed alternative modelling tools in terms of their relative benefits, risks, and indicative costs. To finish, the review identified opportunities to cost-effectively develop land use modelling tools in the Canterbury context.