Review of Flinders Development Movement Network Infrastructure Plan
End client
Economic Development Queensland
Economic Development Queensland engaged VLC to undertake an independent expert review of the Flinders Movement Network Infrastructure Plan. The review was commissioned to ensure the infrastructure plan was based on technically sound analysis and identified appropriate infrastructure improvements required to service the Flinders development site in Greater Flagstone.
Client requirements
Economic Development Queensland is the assessment manager for all development applications within the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area. Applicants are required to prepare comprehensive infrastructure plans for the movement network that outline staged requirements for delivery of transport infrastructure to service development. EDQ commissioned VLC as expert advisors to review the modelling methodologies and recommendations of developer’s infrastructure plans to ensure sound technical approaches are employed and appropriate infrastructure internal and external to each site is identified.
Delivered outcome
VLC undertook a thorough review of the Flinders infrastructure plan to identify compliance with the Greater Flagstone Master Plan and conditions of development. VLC provided written advice regarding additional information that should be requested and provided a report outlining final assessment and recommendations. VLC worked with the project proponent’s consulting team and EDQ to ensure technically sound and complaint movement infrastructure plan for Flinders.