Roe Highway
End client
Federal Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Client requirements
VLC was commissioned to produce traffic demand and toll revenue forecasts for the planned Perth Metropolitan corridor between NorthLink WA and Perth Freight Link (PFL).
The primary aim of the project was to provide the client with an independent assessment of the forecast traffic demand and toll revenue generation of the Perth Freight Link in 2031.
Delivered outcome
Several model enhancements were required for this project, including the implementation of a toll choice model in Perth, and expansion in the number of vehicle classes used in the modelling of goods vehicles from two classes to 13.
After initial analyses, VLC undertook further modelling investigations with the aim of finding a tolling strategy which would limit the number of modelled toll gates required, minimise toll avoidance and maximise revenue.
The project presented an independent assessment of the forecast traffic demand and toll revenue generation for the planned Perth Metropolitan corridor between NorthLink WA and Perth Freight Link.