SEQSTM-MM Zone System Review
End client
Department of Transport and Main Roads
VLC was commissioned by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to develop a new detailed assignment zone system for the extent of the SEQSTM-MM, plus the Toowoomba ABS SA3, excluding the area covered by Brisbane Travel Demand Model (BNE-TDM) due to inconsistencies between the models and with ABS Statistical Areas (SA) .
Client requirements
Prior to this work South East Queensland Strategic Transport Multi-Modal Model (SEQSTM-MM) zone system was based on aggregations of 2006 ABS Census Collection district boundaries and were inconsistent with the current ABS SA boundaries used for formulating demographic input data for the model (specifically, SA1 and SA2 boundaries). The SEQSTM-MM boundaries were also inconsistent with other models covering the same area. As a result of completion of BNE-TDM development, a revised SEQSTM-MM needed to be progressed with the first stage being a revision of the zone system. VLC was commissioned by TMR in March 2018 to revise the transport model zone system for the SEQSTM-MM.
Delivered outcome
The deliverables of this project were:
- A set of MapInfo tab files for Level 3 boundaries with concordances for the level 1, 2 and 3 zones.
- A csv file containing the concordances and the population and employment data.
- A MapInfo annotation layer.
- A brief technical report outlining the methodology and issues encountered.