Shellharbour-Wollongong Multi-Modal business case advice
End client
Transport for New South Wales
VLC was engaged by Transport for NSW to provide business case development, demand forecasting and economics advice to assist in the progression of the Shellharbour-Wollongong Multi-Modal project as it goes through the Business Case development process.
Client requirements
VLC was engaged by Transport for NSW to provide business case development, demand forecasting and economics advice to assist in the progression of the Shellharbour-Wollongong Multi-Modal project as it goes through the Business Case development process. This included advice on the crafting of a business case narrative, the identification and monetisation of economic benefits, and capabilities of demand forecasting to demonstrate project benefits. VLC also delivered ad hoc analysis, including analysis of the “project need” for increased public and active transport provisions, assistance in the investment logic mapping workshop, and identification of opportunities and constraints to the study area.
Delivered outcome
VLC applied learnings from other projects to assist TfNSW in developing the public and active transport focussed Shellharbour-Wollongong Multi-Modal project. This included advice on how to align project objectives with monetised economic benefits to support the project narrative, advice on the appropriate demand modelling tools for project options, and their limitations, input into the formation of project objectives to avoid pitfalls seen on earlier projects, etc.