Transport Measurement Framework
End client
Department of Transport (VIC)
VLC was engaged by the Department of Transport (DoT) to develop a unified measurement framework, drawing on those of its predecessor organisations but also setting clear objectives for the new DoT and developing a suite of KPIs across a range of important metrics. As well as tracking progress towards achieving outcomes, project benefits, transport outputs and community impacts, the project included engagement across the department to ensure buy-in from across a range of internal stakeholders.
Client requirements
VLC was engaged by the Department of Transport (DoT) to assist in bringing together multiple legacy measurement frameworks that were developed by DOT’s predecessors, to create a single framework for tracking progress towards achieving outcomes, project benefits, transport outputs and community impacts. Prior to DOT’s establishment, the agencies that became part of DOT in 2019 used a range of approaches and tools to measure outcomes, benefits, and impacts, from strategic outcomes to measuring project benefits. VLC helped DOT work towards a single top-to-bottom framework for measurement of transport outcomes, benefits, outputs and project impacts, including all the steps in the transport planning process from strategy and delivery to evaluation of transport impacts and benefits.
Delivered outcome
VLC undertook a review of the existing suite of measurement tools, including whole-of-government requirements, corporate and strategic objectives, departmental outcome statement and DOT’s Benefit Management Framework. VLC produced a summary document that: mapped the existing measurement tools and requirements; proposed a series of organising principles; presented an overview of international best practice; and recommended a broad structure for the proposed framework. Michael facilitated an online workshop with DOT stakeholders representing the project lifecycle, and following that VLC prepared a draft hierarchy of outcomes, outcome measures, program and project measures, connecting high-level government and departmental objectives with program and project benefits.