Tropical North Queensland Electric Vehicle Tourist Drive
End client
Economic Development Queensland
The Tropical North Queensland Electric Vehicle Tourist Drive provides the opportunity to explore regional tourist attractions in an electric vehicle (EV) via a 500km route supported by six destination charging stations. The project was developed by Economic Development Queensland to provide a pilot for the rollout of destination charging stations and support the local tourism industry to transition to EVs, whilst encouraging the uptake of EVs more broadly.
This work supports one of the initiatives under the Queensland’s electric vehicle strategy – The Future is Electric.
Client requirements
Economic Development Queensland engaged VLC to provide electric vehicle expertise and project manage the rollout of six electric vehicle destination charging stations in tropical north Queensland.
Delivered outcome
VLC was engaged from the procurement stage to the post-project evaluation stage. This included supporting the development of procurement documents and evaluation plans, evaluating suppliers, coordinating the installation process, supplier/installer and site host management, coordination of stakeholders, ensuring WH&S compliance, and development of supporting messaging and reports.
To read a media statement from the Queensland Government on this initiative click on the link below:
Australia’s first electric vehicle tourism drive opens in Queensland