Travel Zone Projections (TZP) are modelled small area estimates of land use (known as Travel Zones) that are developed to support a strategic view of NSW and are input into travel models such as the NSW government’s Strategic Travel Model (STM).

Client requirements

TfNSW engaged VLC to update particular models – ones that VLC previously estimated to forecast employment by income band using TZP19 data – with the TZP22 employment projections.


Using the TZP22 employment projections, VLC updated core aspects of the spreadsheet models including total labour force, expected income, pivots used to maintain consistency with the 2016 census on employment share, and employment counts by sector and travel zone to produce updated employment by income band forecasts, aggregated into STM income bands.

After consultation with the client, VLC also corrected for overestimation in the Census disaggregation model to maintain consistency between the input and output data.​