Wellington Street / Panorama Drive Cost Benefit Analysis
End client
Redland City Council (subcontracting to Power Engineers)
VLC was engaged by Power Engineers on behalf of Redland City Council to deliver cost-benefit analysis services, underpinned by traffic modelling, for Stage 1 of the Wellington Street / Panorama Drive road upgrade program.
Client requirements
The Wellington Street / Panorama Drive road upgrade is a road duplication project being delivered in 3 stages, with the key benefits of this road upgrade including improved journey to work times, decreased peak hour congestion, and increased vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian safety. Redland City Council, via Power Engineers, engaged Veitch Lister Consulting to provide cost-benefit analysis input, supported by traffic modelling, into a Project Proposal Report (PPR) being submitted to secure federal funding for the upgrade.
Delivered outcome
VLC provided advice on appropriate future year traffic growth assumptions, developed SIDRA models for each of the Base Case and intersection upgrades, calculated BCRs for each of the intersection upgrades, and consolidated these into inputs to the PPR and an accompanying Cost Benefit Analysis report.