Wentworth Point traffic impacts modelling
End client
Confidential Client
VLC was engaged by a property developer to forecast travel demand impacts of proposed residential developments in Wentworth Point, Sydney, which informed the developer’s discussions regarding the developments with local and state government stakeholders.
Client requirements
VLC tested a set of future scenarios encompassing changes to demographics and public transport services in the private development in Wentworth Point, using VLC’s Zenith Sydney model in Emme. These were used to evaluate the impact of the proposed interventions on transport network outcomes in the local area, including road network performance, public transport crowding, and accessibility to jobs and other activities.
Delivered outcome
VLC utilised the Zenith model of Greater Sydney to assess the impact of future residential developments and potential public transport interventions on transport network outcomes in the Wentworth Point area. The analysis included impact on local mode share, traffic and public transport demand on key routes in the local area, and impact on public transport accessibility to and from Private Development in Wentworth Point. These provided an evidence base to evaluate the impact of the proposed additional residential development relative to expected background growth in the Wentworth Point area. These findings were summarised in a concise, clear modelling report detailing model validation, methodology and key transport outcomes.