West Gate Tunnel
End client
West Gate Tunnel Project (formally West Gate Tunnel Authority)
VLC provided expert advisory, traffic forecasts and transport analytics to the Victorian State Government to assist in its assessment of the West Gate Tunnel market led proposal.
Client requirements
The West Gate Tunnel (WGT) is a market-led proposal that was submitted to the Victorian State Government by Transurban in 2015. VLC was engaged by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDTJR) to use the Zenith transport model for: engineering scoping; economic evaluation; and to support the relevant planning and environmental approvals processes. VLC was also required to examine the impacts of expected land use and demographic changes associated with the project on the economic appraisal.
Delivered outcome
In the strategic assessment phase of the project, VLC examined the impacts of the proposal on Melbourne’s transport network. The associated tasks included forecasting the traffic demand for various configurations and options of the project, this assisted in scope definition, project design and supported the development of a tolling strategy. VLC worked closely with the business case delivery teams in developing state of the art economic evaluation procedures. This included incorporating the perceived cost of congestion as a new benefit stream; the visualisation of benefits; and updating: accident costs, vehicle operating costs, travel time reliability benefits, environmental costs and wider economic benefits. VLC reviewed the project through the Department of Treasury and Finance five stage market led proposal assessment process and assisted in responding to Federal Government questions. During the Environmental Effects Statement phase, VLC assisted in assessing project impacts and provided expert evidence and reporting during the planning panel process.