Zenith modelling of Perth fare cap
End client
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia
VLC was engaged by the Public Transport Authority to model impacts of a then-proposed Capped Fare System for the Perth metropolitan public transport system.
Client requirements
VLC was engaged by the Public Transport Authority to forecast the demand and network loading implications of the then-proposed capping all PT fares at two zones. VLC was asked to model a short-term (2020) and medium-term (2031) forecast year, using the Perth Zenith model for scenarios with and without the capped fares in place.
Delivered outcome
VLC collaborated with the PTA to develop baseline input assumptions for the land use, road network and public transport service plans in each forecast year prior to running the Zenith model with and without the fare cap. VLC prepared detailed reporting that summarised the findings for various aspects of transport network performance, including implications for public transport patronage by zone and station, car traffic, and rail service crowding. Reporting included detailed spreadsheets, mapping and analysis of impacts against expectations from the literature.