James Ramsey
Principal Consultant (Transport Modelling)

James is a Principal Consultant (Transport Modelling) who leads strategic transport modelling projects with a focus on delivering work of the highest quality, providing clients with the insights they need for their decision making.
James has over 10 years of experience working in transport consulting in Australia, the UK, and Scandinavia. He has held senior roles within a broad range of transport modelling, demand forecasting, land use modelling, data analysis, and transport economics studies. In Australia he has led the development and of the latest version of the NSW-wide Regional Transport Model (RTM), provided demand forecasting and land use transport interaction (LUTI) modelling for Transport for NSW on fast(er) rail, and the development of the latest version of the Canberra Strategic Transport Model (CSTM). Internationally James led a GPS data-driven study on the efficiencies of night-time freight in Stockholm, led the model re-estimation of the Tbilisi (Georgia) transport model, provided choice modelling and demand forecasting advice for a high speed rail between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, and led the development of a rapid economic assessment model for the Norwegian road authority to assess and optimise regional road upgrades.
James holds a Masters in Transport Economics from the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) from the University of Leeds and a Bachelor of Arts/Commerce in Economics from Deakin University.