Canberra Light Rail 2B EIS Modelling
End client
Major Projects Canberra
VLC was engaged by Major Projects Canberra (MPC) to undertake demand modelling using the ACT Zenith Strategic Model to provide patronage forecasts for Light Rail Stage 2B. These forecasts will inform the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and more detailed mesoscopic modelling.
Canberra Light Rail Stage 1 opened in April 2019 with the alignment connecting Gungahlin to the City (Alinga Street). Raising London Circuit is currently under construction, with Light Rail Stage 2A (City to Commonwealth Park) due to begin construction late 2024.
Stage 2B is proposed to extend nine kilometres between Commonwealth Park and Woden. The project will add nine new stops to the line, to the existing 17. This project will provide people in Canberra’s south with an additional public transport option.
Client requirements
VLC was engaged by Major Projects Canberra (MPC) to undertake strategic modelling to support the Canberra Light Rail Stage 2B Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
The ACT Zenith Strategic model used for this project has been used on earlier stages of the Canberra Light Rail including Stage 1 and Stage 2A. An update to the model was required to respond to changing travel patterns and conditions post-covid and after completion of Light Rail Stage 1 in 2019.
Two light rail alignments were tested for Light Rail Stage 2B, the State Circle East alignment and the Parkes-Barton alignment. These were tested for the future years 2031 and 2041.
VLC delivered a Model Validation report, due to the rebasing of the strategic model to 2023. This was followed by the main Canberra Light Rail Stage 2B Strategic Modelling report, which put specific weight on light rail patronage outcomes. Additional Sensitivity testing was also undertaken to further investigate results which saw the delivery of an additional report.