Thurrock Strategic Transport Model
VLC, partnering with City Science, have been appointed by Thurrock Council to develop a strategic multi-modal model to provide an evidence base assessment to inform the preparation of their new Local Plan.
Our approach to building the Thurrock model is to utilise existing data from nearby models, insights gained from our in-house Zenith models of Australian cities and Open Source data to deliver consistency, reduced risk and financial efficiencies, making best use of existing assets and allowing for flexibility in the further development of the tools.
In addition to this, we will also be using mobile phone derived travel patterns to complement existing data. This will provide us with active mode movements, enabling us to include walking and cycling in the mode choice element of the model. This mobile phone data will also deliver travel patterns at a fine level of spatial detail, allowing an enhanced spatial allocation of demand within Thurrock.
Client requirements
Thurrock Council is in the process of preparing a new Local Plan to guide the future development of the borough over the plan period to 2040. They required a consultant to develop a strategic transport modelling framework and prepare an assessment to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan for the area.
The Local Plan modelling framework developed under this commission will go on to act as a foundation for future Business Case development and submission of bids for the funding and delivery of new transport infrastructure.