VLC releases new version of Zenith Traffic Estimates
28 April 2023
VLC has officially released v12 of its annual output of Zenith Traffic Estimates, delivering up-to-date traffic flow information to portray the where, when, why and how of road travel.
Covering all of Australia’s major metropolitan areas, Zenith Traffic Estimates is an insightful tool for site selection and network planning, various urban and transport planning disciplines and advertising assets.
Existing users get automatic access to the latest update of Zenith Traffic Estimates, which is available for purchase and use within online analytics platforms Sitewisely, Planwisely and GapMaps. In addition to these platforms, Zenith Traffic Estimates is available to purchase in raw file formats, including .kml, .geojson, .tab and .shp formats.
“Understanding traffic flow in metropolitan areas, both in targeted areas and on a broader scale, is incredibly powerful information to have,” says VLC Executive Director (Modelling & Analytics) Aliasgar Inayathusein.
“The latest version is our first annual release after multiple years of COVID disruptions, which means version 12 contains valuable new insights into how people travel in post-COVID Australia.”
Zenith Traffic Estimates are an output of the trusted Zenith traffic model, which has been used to support the planning of over $100bn of transport infrastructure throughout Australia. Zenith is a strategic travel forecasting model that, using validated behavioural travel data, simulates travel to intelligently estimate travel volumes, times, speeds and more. Zenith’s backend complexity and proven robustness are both leveraged to create Zenith Traffic Estimates.
Available in multiple tiers – Lite, Pro and Advanced – that each offer distinct access to Zenith’s powers of traffic flow estimation, Zenith Traffic Estimates serves a wide range of analytical purposes. In addition to Zenith Traffic Estimates, there are four separate Zenith datasets available for purchase as raw data files or within online platforms. These include Zenith Traffic Counts, Zenith Fuel Consumption, Zenith Vehicle Kilometres and Zenith Vehicle Speed.
Want to learn more about Zenith Traffic Estimates or other Zenith products? Get in touch with us today.