Veitch Lister Consulting is committed to operating on a carbon neutral basis.

Since 1 July 2020 VLC has calculated greenhouse gas emissions from our operations, sought to reduce our environmental impact and purchased offsets for the full amount of Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions. In 2021 offsets were purchased from Gold Standard supporting a wind power project in India and a safe water project in Rwanda.





A renewable energy project – Wind Power in India

This is a clean energy project located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, using wind turbines. It has played an important role in reducing CO2 emissions and will continue to contribute towards the economic growth of the area by generating 180 GWh of clean electricity annually, which is equivalent to powering 42,000 households every year. The project also leads to mitigation of 1.23 million tCO2e in carbon emissions in 7 years.




A community focused project – Safe Water Access in Rwanda

We are supporting CO2balance’s work in Rwanda to deliver clean, safe water by identifying and rehabilitating broken-down boreholes. An ongoing maintenance programme, alongside water sanitation and hygiene training, ensures a safe and reliable community water supply is maintained. Each of the 12 micro-projects under this programme prevent 10,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions.