As I adapt to the new normal, like everyone else I’m wondering what the long-term consequences of COVID-19 will be. […]
One of the flow-on effects of COVID-19 will be that the way we plan for and facilitate the movement of […]
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Veitch Lister Consulting’s founder, Mike Veitch. Mike passed away […]
We congratulate Brandon Peij on his five year anniversary here at VLC. Brandon joined VLC whilst completing his university studies, […]
We’re pleased to share news of changes to leadership roles at VLC. Tim Veitch said, “In 2014 I stepped into the role of CEO of VLC. This exciting move enabled […]
We recently celebrated the five year anniversary of our QLD State Director, David Balfe. “David has been instrumental in developing […]
We congratulate Andrew O’Brien on reaching his five year anniversary at VLC. QLD State Director David Balfe said, “Andrew is […]
Why do cities grow? Our research indicates that local amenities matter, both to firms and households. What do we mean […]
We are very excited to celebrate Aaron Alaimo‘s ten year anniversary of continuous service with VLC. Tim Veitch, our CEO, […]
When investing in public transport, we want to spend wisely, ensuring that money is put towards initiatives that help achieve […]
We are delighted to announce this year’s winner of the VLC Chris Turvey Memorial Award is Aliasgar (Ali) Inayathusein, our […]
VLC Senior Consultant Lawrence Leung just reached a significant milestone – five years of service at VLC. A highly valued […]